Clever Launch

On Monday, October 26, we will be launching Clever, which will provide a single-sign-on for all of our various educational technology, including Google Classroom.

From the Clever site:

"Clever is your school's digital learning platform, one friendly place for resources, communication, and instruction. With single sign-on, everything is one click away for students, families, and educators. It works the same everywhere, so your community is remote-resilient."

We hope that this will make navigating the virtual classroom and sites a lot easier for teachers, staff, students and families here at Gila Crossing.

We want to thank the Educational Technology Team of Sheena Fowler, Derrick Murdock and Clinton Salvador for their work on keeping us running relatively smoothly during this sometimes challenging time.

To Log In, please access this video or see the screenshots below:

There was also a one-page document sent home on Friday (see below), October 23 outlining these instructions. But if you have issues, please do not hesitate to call the school at 520-550-4834