FACE Program

Become your child’s first and most important teacher!   Come help keep our circle strong!  If you are a parent or caregiver with a child or children ages prenatal to grade 3 we would love for you to be a part of our FACE Family!  Our focus is helping families access resources and education through our unique Family Literacy Model which includes biweekly visits with a parent educator, and/or early childhood (ages 3-5), and adult education opportunities.  Give it a whirl!  Money back guarantee, just kidding, it’s completely FREE!   Click on QR code to fill out the interest form.  If you have any questions we are happy to answer them please contact Amiee Mestaz at  520-550-4834 X 404 or email amiee.mestaz@gccsagles.org

What is FACE?

A program for kids ages 0 to 8, parents, and primary caretakers. Built on a model that respects American Indian culture and traditions, the FACE program aims for school reform in three settings—home, school, and community.